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潮 chao

Home Pinyin chao

潮解 cháojiě deliquescent

潮流 cháoliú trend

潮汕 cháoshàn tide

潮湿 cháoshī damp; dampness; moist; moister; soggy; wet

潮汐 cháoxī tidal

潮州 cháozhōu chaozhou

低潮 dīcháo low tide

防潮 fángcháo damp-proof

风潮 fēngcháo groundswell; trend

高潮 gāocháo climactic; climax; climaxed; culminate; culminates; culminating; orgasms; upsurge

浪潮 làngcháo wave

热潮 rècháo upsurge

人潮 réncháo people

退潮 tuìcháo ebb

心血来潮 xīnxuèláicháo wandering

新潮 xīncháo trendy

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